What is the appropriate frequency of publications? Every day even if once or more? Maybe every five days or once a week? Yes, we should not tire our audience, but it is wrong for the posts to be made at such infrequent intervals that the audience does not forget us. Here, the language of numbers will lead us to the right decision: as we look carefully at the statistics on the page, we can see at what point in time a post gets the most engagement.
CityConsulting will find for you the right frequency of posts and when exactly it is best to get the post done to get better results. In addition, we take the time to identify the content that exhibits the highest conversion rate and invest more in it.
Do not forget that in Facebook what is rewarded is the quality (of the posts) and not the quantity (ie the high frequency of posts) with the exception of course of the news content sites, where in fact the posts should be frequent, something that Facebook recognizes . So because the last thing you want is for your posts to be spam, we monitor your page insights to see if your post engagement is increasing or decreasing.
You should also not ignore the fact that there is absolutely no point in referring to an “ideal frequency” unless a specific strategy has been set beforehand. According to the most recent research that has been done, it has been concluded that there should be a differentiation of strategy and frequency per medium. CityConsulting guarantees the necessary consistency not only in the field of strategy but in everything it does, so that you can see the maximum results for your business.
Ένας, εξάλλου, γενικός κανόνας που αποκτά όλο και περισσότερους υποστηρικτές στο Facebook, είναι πως προτιμότερο να περιμένουμε να αυξηθεί το κοινό μας πριν αρχίσουμε να αυξάνουμε τη συχνότητα των δημοσιεύσεών μας. Κι αυτό είναι κάτι που στη CityConsulting γνωρίζουμε πώς να το κάνουμε με τον πλέον ιδανικό τρόπο.